Shower Door Repair Cost


How Much Does a Shower Door Repair Cost?

Shower doors are usually found on tile-lined shower stall enclosures or with showers that are custom and have higher-end tubs. An improperly hung shower door or door frame can lead to water damage including mildew and mold formation. Fortunately, the cost to repair a shower door isn't often very drastic, and usually, repairs can be accomplished in the same day as the technician's initial visit.

How Much Will It Cost To Repair A Shower Door?

Shower door repair will cost you anywhere between $100 and $600, with $200 being reported as the average estimate. As with most other less-complicated types of repair work, you'll find that the majority of the expense comes from labor charges with part costs usually very minimal.

Shower door repair may only take an hour or two to complete, depending on your particular situation. If you are dealing with a scratched door, the technician will determine whether it is a glass or fiberglass door. Depending on the material, they'll take a different approach for dealing with scratches. 

Common types of shower door repair:

  • recaulking seams to prevent or cure leaks
  • tightening of anchor screws to keep the shower door firmly in place
  • rubber gasket repair to prevent leaking
  • replacement of caulking when mildew or mold is present
  • adjustment or re-hanging of shower door to improve alignment
  • shower door scratch or scuff repair

If any of these issues are occurring in your bathroom, it may be a good idea to get a shower door repair specialist out to your home to do an assessment. When the door requires scratch repair or a buff job, there can be some hazardous chemicals needed and also potentially high-powered buffing tools used for the job. In these cases, it will be a wise choice to hire a professional, rather than attempting to take on the project yourself.

How To Get In Touch With Local Professionals For shower Door Repair

If you are noticing something amiss with your shower door enclosure, it pays to address the issue quickly, rather than to let it progress. A slipping door or faulty seam can seem like a minor problem today, but over time can lead to other issues and a higher-cost repair.

If you would like to get an accurate estimate for the cost to repair your shower door, simply enter your zip code in the form provided on this page. 

With your zip code entered, you can take advantage of a 100% FREE, no obligation estimate from a local shower door repair specialist 


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